• Depth


    "It is our so-called weaknesses and vulnerabilities that link us with our deeper selves and with each other and not our so-called strengths, which merely make us independent." - Jung
  • Integrity


    "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in seeing with new eyes." - Marcel Proust
  • Soul


    "One of the many paradoxes about soul-making is that its reward is the most valuable and unique a person could have, and yet its raw material is often the most despised and common." - Thomas Moore
  • Relationship


    "The uncertainty about what I and the patient are there for, is what we are there for." - James Hillman
  • Depth


    "One must have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star." - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Soul


    "‘I mean Negative Capability, that is when man [sic] is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason." - John Keats
  • Integrity


    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - George Carlin

Come and find out more about us

What we do? What courses are we running? What’s different about Re-Vision? Who comes to Re-Vision?

If you are interested in training with Re-Vision your first step would probably be a Taster Evening.  These on-line evenings (7-9pm) start with a presentation about the Re-Vision approach and a short exercise to give you a taste of our inside-out learning style. We also hold Heart and Soul days: a full day in-person workshop providing an experiential opportunity to find out about Re-Vision and our style of training.
Full details and future dates for both sets of events can be found on the introductory events page.

Our four/five day ‘Transitions’ courses would usually run  in person from a Thursday evening to a Monday afternoon four times a year and are held at our centre near Queens Park.  You can attend Transitions as a one-off personal development opportunity, but attendance at Transitions is a prerequisite for those who want to attend our professional counselling and psychotherapy training. See the Transitions page under the Events menu for more details.  Early booking is advised, especially for those hoping to go on to our professional training.

More information about our training can also be found throughout the website,  under the Training and the Event main menu headings above as well as our videos around the site.

Who comes to Re-Vision?  Training at Re-Vision, or just taking a short course with us, is for anyone who is looking to explore their own journey; for professionals seeking deeper meaning and quality training; those in a life transition or those on a spiritual path who realise a need to ground awareness.  Benefits include insight into your purpose and direction, healing wounds within a holding space, relating more authentically, a deeper acceptance of both the talented and the shadow aspects of yourself and better capacity for empathy and for working effectively with others.

Past students have said:
• “I have felt held with respect and integrity.”
• “The high quality of training has shown itself throughout enabling me to noticeably improve my client work.”
• “The seminars were inspiring and meaningful.”
• “Things were spoken that I have always felt but never articulated.”



Watch our other videos

If you are looking for jobs at Re-Vision, please go to our page:  Work with Re-Vision

Re-Vision is an established yet innovative centre for training in counselling and psychotherapy. We are members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) who accredit the counselling training and the psychotherapy training respectively. It is a registered charity established in 1988.

After 35 years of delivering high quality training in the craft of soul-making, in order to meet the needs of a changing world, we believe that counselling and psychotherapy are vital for transformation in troubled times.

The theoretical approach pioneered at Re-Vision uses a circular re-visioning of the pre-ego-trans model from the work of Ken Wilber as a framework to integrate concepts from Jungian, Gestalt, relational, psychodynamic, neuroscience, body psychotherapy and family systems theory as well as developmental and archetypal psychology. Through this, we combine a spiritual perspective with down-to-earth high quality therapeutic skills.

We place a high value on the sense of community generated within the student and graduate body, whilst also seeking to reach out to the wider community of which we are a part, through our programmes of personal and professional development and the work of our Low Cost Counselling Service. We are fortunate to have Thomas Moore, author of ‘Care of the Soul’ as our patron. See his comments on Community below.

In 2018, Re-Vision celebrated  its 30th anniversary and the Re-Vision Book ‘Transformation in Troubled Times‘ was published. You can order it direct from  Amazon here or Transpersonal Press here

Click the link for Re-Vision’s access statement

Click here for Re-Vision’s Privacy Policy

Our low-cost counselling service is listed on: http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/

Re-Vision has signed up to the UKCP Humanistic and Integrative psychotherapy college’s Environmental, sustainability and Climate Change Guidelines. We agree that:
To be a psychologically aware human being in our society today means to embrace the ecological inter-connectedness of all things and to know with every breath we take that we are dependent on this living system of our environment.’  See HERE for the full statement.


Professional Training and Other Courses

Re-Vision provides professional training and offers short courses for both personal and professional development, introductory events, and a low-cost counselling service.  The counselling training starts every autumn and applications are welcome throughout the spring and summer.

Courses are first and foremost experiential, with an emphasis on self-discovery. Too early an emphasis on skills in therapeutic training can encourage the student to use techniques as a defence against the anxiety of being in the inevitable uncertainty of the counselling situation. In Re-Vision’s training, both theoretical perspectives and the development of counselling skills are initially presented in an implicit experiential way and only later made explicit. This building on inner experience is part of the ‘inside-out’ learning method in which students integrate skills into their own reality rather than using them as technical means to an end.

If you train with us we ask you to take our transitions course before you apply.  Not only will the course give you a real taste of our experiential training method and help you confirm if Re-Vision is the right place for you, but it also runs as a stand-alone self development course which is hugely appreciated whether or not you go on to our full professional training.

Re-Vision is a registered charity established in 1988 as a counselling and psychotherapy training centre. It has an experienced training group who share much of the responsibility for Re-Vision’s ongoing development.

See Who is Who at Re-Vision  for more about our trainers